What I offer
Counselling (online and in person)
Psychological counselling (online and in person)
Psychological counselling for adults
Play therapy for children
Psychological counselling for teenagers
Family counselling
Couples counselling
Training courses:
Resilience for internationally mobile families
There are roughly about 10 million families around the world living temporarily in other than their home countries mainly due to job-related opportunities. On one hand, international experience is an exciting opportunity to learn about new cultures, ways of living, other languages, values, ideas, perspectives. On the other hand, it presents many challenges, which each of the family members will perceive differently. Therefore, the aim of the training is to help families with emotional and personal adjustment processes involved in change and transition, strengthen resilience factors affecting the ability to successfully navigate through the process and help children grow and thrive as a result of international experience.
Parenting skills
Parental involvement plays the most important role in the development of children in regards to their mental, physical and emotional health. This practical program helps parents to increase parenting skills and confidence in order to influence the development of their children in a positive way.
Efficient Parenting
A programme designed to guide parents as they implement greater structure in their families and develop healthier relationships with their children. Promoting consistency and family relationships creates an environment more conducive to a child’s healthy maturation. Well-set boundaries, consistency and healthy relationships encourage appropriate socialization as the child moves toward independence.
Dealing with sibling relationships
A programme that offers parents practical tools they need to cope with conflict, encourage cooperation, reduce competition, and make it possible for children to experience the joys of their special relationship. The aim is to discover the secret of how and when to intervene in fights, help children channel their hostility into creative outlets, but mainly to learn to treat children unequally and still be fair.
Logical consequences instead of rewards and punishments
Logical consequences help us all to learn and grow. When kids experience the results of their actions, they learn to make better choices and improve their behaviours. Consequences communicate to your child that their behaviour is their choice and their responsibility. Parents’ responsibility is to help children learn how to face the consequences and how to make better decisions in the future. Importantly, a consequence respects the child’s right to make a decision, even if it’s not a good one. It’s not a withdrawal of love or a rejection. Consequences also give us the chance to parent from our principles instead of from a place of frustration, anger, or disappointment.
Tips for raising teens
A programme helping parents to stand by their teenagers and stand up to them, while packing their bags full of what they need for life at home, at school and in the adult world. Parents may survive the terrible twos and the first years of school all right, but the teenage years bring entirely new and alien creatures. The aim is to help parents establish healthy boundaries and workable guidelines, gain respect or even admiration from their teenager, turn selfish behaviour around and navigate the critical years with confidence. Teenagers can successfully face the many temptations of adolescence and grow up to be great adults.
Teaching skills
How to Win Children and Adolescents Over – a program helping teachers to develop cooperation, responsibility, and mutual respect for fellow human beings among pupils and students. Training is based on Adlerian psychology, applies the techniques of motivation modification to realistic classroom problems, dealing step-by-step with handling behavior difficulties and providing the background that enables teachers to understand the group dynamics of various classroom situations. Topics included are understanding children, helping children change their behaviour, dealing with the class as one unit, respectful behaviour, recognising the purpose of child’s behaviour, power of encouragement, developing responsibility and cooperation and others.